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Salesforce Payment processing integration for a top non-profit

Learn how a prominent non-profit organization transformed their donation procedures and improved donor management using Salesforce integration.

Implementing Salesforce for Enhanced Customer Relationship Management at Wrinom


Wrinom is a leading technology and marketing solutions provider established in 2015. The company offers private companies a wide range of services, including custom software development, IoT applications, data services, digital transformation, and full-stack development. Wrinom decided to implement Salesforce, a leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform to manage its growing client base and streamline operations. This case study explores the implementation process, challenges faced, solutions provided, and the results achieved by Wrinom after deploying Salesforce.



10 Weeks


Java, React, AWS, PostgreSQL, Docker

Opportunity/Problem Statement:

The organization, engaged in selling memberships through different channels had a major problem when it came to

handling payments: Complexity and Maintenance Issue with Existing Payment Gateways They are using different payment gateways (something that was very time-consuming complexity) for each channel. Recommended improvements and fixes to the payment processes were delayed, delaying important business moves. In that condition I cannot wait for such a long time to receive my balance, that is when I really needed a better payment solution.

Paid Memberships and Unpaid Memberships: To complicate matters further, due to legal regulations we needed a completely unique flow for unpaid memberships as well. Creating a new customer flow for unpaid memberships was necessary but tricky due to the complexities of legally compliant language.


Solution Highlights:

Common Backend Environment and Payment Gateway: Wrinom created a common backend platform which integrates perfectly with all the channels. Missing Compatibility and maintenance went on to be simplified with the development of a fresh payment gateway. This made payment smooth and provided get way for later changes. It was built with the understanding that payment processes are going to be moving targets.

Refund Process Management: Delivering a streamlined solution for refunds in addition to the payment execution, Wrinom built an extremely strong refund process management system. This led to a more coherent and usable system that was enforced through welldefined refund processes.

Separate Flow for Unpaid Memberships: Understanding the requirements of a different flow after payment (due to unpaid memberships), Wrinom designed and developed this keeping legal constraints in mind yet ensuring ease-of-process. This unique workflow was the key to special memberships regulation and user-friendly for business similar

Scalable & future-ready architecture: solution was designed to have an ability of handling remarkable increase in the future without any (or minimal minimum) disruption. With this forward-thinking approach, the club felt confident it would be well placed to adopt any new payment system that shortly followed.

Implementation Process:

1. Requirement Analysis:

The first step was diving deep into the company’s needs. This included conducting an inventory of key stakeholders, reviewing current processes and setting the scope for work.

2. System Design and Customization:

A custom Salesforce solution was developed in concert with the requirements analysis as it seemed to be going well for Wrinom. Tailoring Salesforce modules (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and Marketing cloud) to fit in with existing systems.

3. Data Migration:

The migration of data from legacy systems to Salesforce was one of the key components within this implementation. This included data cleaning and transformation to make sure that the vaporous is accurate, consistent among all sources etc.

4. User Training and Change Management

Extensive training sessions carried on with end-users to experience a comfortable switch. Thereafter, some change management strategies were adopted to get rid of the resistance and guarantee user adoption.

5. Go-Live and Support:

Salesforce was comprehensively tested and then deployed in the organization. So, postimplementation support was given to deal with routine staff and the continuous improvement.

Challenges and Solutions

1. Data Quality Issues:

This meant that data quality issues were resulting from the migration of information. In multiple legacy systems for this, it had adopted some Data Cleansing and Validation processes to check the legitimacy of data constraints.

2. User Resistance

A few of the employees were averse to change and unsure about using the new system. A strong change management plan countered this with regular comms, training and incentives for the early adopters.

3. Integration with Legacy Systems:

That said, integrating Salesforce with the company’s ERP and marketing automation tools proved to be difficult. They also created custom integration solutions to facilitate unlimited data-exchange between systems.

4. Customization Needs:

Wrinom has unique business processes that meant Salesforce needed a high level of customization. The implementation team engaged with the stakeholders to understand their requirements and provide bespoke solutions.

Results and Benefits

1. Streamlined Business Decisions:

    • This considerably decreased efforts for verification and redesign, helping in faster business decisions thanks to the channel-compatible design.
2. Efficient Maintenance:

    • Switching to a single payment gateway simplified maintenance as it requires far less time compared to PayPal.
3. Reduced Backend Load:

    • Using a single payment gateway to consolidate transactions removed the backend burden of handling multiple gateways.
4. Compliance with Legal Requirements:

    • The adoption of a separate unpaid membership channel helped the company to stay within legal norms and manage special memberships in an organized manner.
5. Confidence in Handling Future Changes:

    • The flexible solution architecture gave the customer assurance to handle future changes and advancements very easily.

6. Seamless Adoption of New Flow:

    • The identical flow for unpaid memberships was a breeze to adopt by the business users and dramatically cut down training efforts.


Salesforce implementation practiced at wrinom changed face of customer relationship management and sale processes done by the company. Wrinom boosts the productivity, efficiency and revenue of a business through centralizing their customer data at all one place automated sales workflows & collaboration. With the powerful reporting and analytics in Salesforce, management could make data-driven decisions to stay ahead of the competition. In the above example, it is evident that a meticulously conceived and implemented CRM can lead to business expansion for success as shown in this case study of Magento by Case Camp.

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