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Payment Processing Integration – Salesforce for a Leading Non-Profit

Discover how a leading non-profit streamlined donation processes and enhanced donor management with Salesforce integration. Our case study highlights key implementation strategies, challenges faced, and the impactful results achieved.

Implementing Salesforce for Enhanced Customer Relationship Management at Wrinom


Wrinom is a leading technology and marketing solutions provider established in 2015. The company offers private companies a wide range of services, including custom software development, IoT applications, data services, digital transformation, and full-stack development. Wrinom decided to implement Salesforce, a leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform to manage its growing client base and streamline operations. This case study explores the implementation process, challenges faced, solutions provided, and the results achieved by Wrinom after deploying Salesforce.



10 Weeks


Java, React, AWS, PostgreSQL, Docker

Opportunity/Problem Statement:

Complexity and Maintenance Issue with Existing Payment Gateways: The organization, dedicated to offering memberships through diverse channels, faced a significant challenge in managing payments. Each channel utilized a different payment gateway, leading to complexities in compatibility and maintenance. Proposed enhancements and updates related to payment processes encountered impediments, hindering crucial business decisions. The need for a streamlined and efficient payment solution became paramount.

Handling Unpaid Memberships: Adding to the complexity, legal constraints mandated a unique approach to managing unpaid memberships, separate from the standard flow. Designing a new flow for unpaid memberships was essential but proved intricate due to the intricacies of legal compliance.

Solution Highlights:

Unified Backend Environment and Payment Gateway: Wrinom undertook the task of creating a unified backend environment that seamlessly integrated with all channels. A new payment gateway was implemented to address compatibility issues and simplify maintenance. This not only streamlined payment processes but also set the foundation for future enhancements. The architecture was designed with flexibility in mind, anticipating the dynamic nature of payment processes.

Refund Process Management: In addition to payment processing, Wrinom developed a robust solution for managing potential refunds. A well-defined workflow ensured that refund processes were handled efficiently, contributing to a more comprehensive and user-friendly system.

Distinct Flow for Unpaid Memberships: Recognizing the need for a separate flow for unpaid memberships, Wrinom designed and implemented a solution that adhered to legal constraints while maintaining user-friendliness. This distinctive flow allowed for the effective management of special memberships, ensuring compliance and ease of use for business users.

Scalable and Future-Ready Architecture: The solution’s architecture was crafted to be scalable, capable of handling significant improvements in the future with minimal disruptions. This forward-looking approach instilled confidence in the organization’s ability to adapt to evolving payment processes.

Implementation Process:

1. Requirement Analysis:

The first phase involved conducting a detailed analysis of the company’s requirements. This included identifying key stakeholders, understanding current processes, and defining the scope of the project.

2. System Design and Customization:

Based on the requirements analysis, a customized Salesforce solution was designed to meet Wrinom’s specific needs. This involved configuring Salesforce modules, such as Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud, and integrating them with existing systems.

3. Data Migration:

One of the critical aspects of the implementation was migrating data from legacy systems to Salesforce. This involved cleaning and transforming data to ensure accuracy and consistency.

4. User Training and Change Management

To ensure a smooth transition, comprehensive training sessions were conducted for end-users. Change management strategies were implemented to address any resistance and ensure user adoption.

5. Go-Live and Support:

After thorough testing, Salesforce was deployed across the organization. Post-implementation support was provided to address any issues and ensure continuous improvement.

Challenges and Solutions

1. Data Quality Issues:

The migration of data from multiple legacy systems led to data quality issues. To address this, data cleansing and validation processes were implemented to ensure the accuracy and consistency of data.

2. User Resistance

Some employees were resistant to change and hesitant to adopt the new system. To mitigate this, a comprehensive change management strategy was implemented, including regular communication, training sessions, and incentives for early adopters.

3. Integration with Legacy Systems:

Integrating Salesforce with existing systems, such as the company’s ERP and marketing automation tools, was complex. Custom integration solutions were developed to ensure seamless data flow between systems.

4. Customization Needs:

Wrinom had unique business processes that required extensive customization of Salesforce. The implementation team worked closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and develop tailored solutions.

Results and Benefits

1. Streamlined Business Decisions:

    • Efforts for verification and redesign aligned with channel compatibility significantly reduced, expediting business decisions.
2. Efficient Maintenance:

    • The transition to a single payment gateway streamlined maintenance, making it less time-consuming and more efficient.
3. Reduced Backend Load:

    • Consolidating transactions through a single payment gateway alleviated the backend load associated with managing multiple gateways.
4. Compliance with Legal Requirements:

    • The introduction of a distinct flow for unpaid memberships ensured legal compliance, allowing the organization to manage special memberships effectively.
5. Confidence in Handling Future Changes:

    • The flexible solution architecture instilled confidence, empowering the organization to handle upcoming changes and improvements with ease.
6. Seamless Adoption of New Flow:

    • The similar flow for unpaid memberships facilitated a smooth transition for business users, requiring minimal training efforts.


The successful implementation of Salesforce at Wrinom transformed the company’s approach to customer relationship management and sales processes. By centralizing customer data, automating sales workflows, and enhancing collaboration, Wrinom significantly improved productivity, efficiency, and revenue. The robust reporting and analytics capabilities of Salesforce empowered the management team to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition. This case study highlights the importance of a well-planned and executed CRM implementation in driving business growth and success.

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John Doe

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