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Tag Archives : IoT

Navigating Industry Transformation in the AI Era

April 26, 2024 - Artificial intelligence Integration of Technology

Navigating Industry Transformation in the AI Era: Insights

Industry Transformation in the AI Era: Predictive Insights Across Sectors

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The Future of Language Technology: 7 Top Open-Source LLMs

April 15, 2024 - Integration of Technology

The Future of Language Technology: 7 Top Open-Source LLMS

CRM’s future plays a pivotal role in fostering and maintaining strong customer connections.

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CRM's Future: Trends for Growth and Customer Engagement

April 9, 2024 - Integration of Technology

CRM’s Future: Trends for Growth and Customer Engagement

CRM’s future plays a pivotal role in fostering and maintaining strong customer connections.

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Exploring the Best Data Visualization Tools of 2024

January 24, 2024 - Big Data Technology

Exploring the Best Data Visualization Tools of 2024

In today’s dynamic technological landscape, edge computing has emerged as a revolutionary force, set to redefine how organizations process and analyze data. According to the latest IDC report, global expenditure on edge computing is anticipated to soar to an impressive $317 billion by 2026, with an estimated cost of $208 billion by 2023. This substantial growth, at a rate of 13.1% from the 2022 estimate, underscores the profound significance of edge computing in shaping the next generation of innovation.

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Edge Computing

November 15, 2023 - Big Data Edge computing Technology

Edge Computing: Fueling the Engine of Next-Generation Innovation

In today’s dynamic technological landscape, edge computing has emerged as a revolutionary force, set to redefine how organizations process and analyze data. According to the latest IDC report, global expenditure on edge computing is anticipated to soar to an impressive $317 billion by 2026, with an estimated cost of $208 billion by 2023. This substantial growth, at a rate of 13.1% from the 2022 estimate, underscores the profound significance of edge computing in shaping the next generation of innovation.

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